Sign up to

MACAN Society

2 Adults & 2 Children (max 12 years old) - IDR 500,000/ year

2 Dewasa / 2 Adult
2 Anak / 2 Child
Anak Maksimal 12 tahun / Children Max 12 Years Old

• Akses museum gratis selama satu tahun
• Undangan ke pratinjau pameran sebelum dibuka untuk umum dan acara-acara eksklusif MACAN Society seperti Out & About
• Tur pameran khusus anggota
• Antrean prioritas untuk anggota
• Alokasi tiket terdahulu
• Potongan harga 10% dari tiket masuk untuk 1 (satu) teman
• Potongan harga 10% dari tiket lokakarya atau program-program terpilih
• Potongan harga 10% untuk pembelian Common Grounds, Museum MACAN
• Potongan harga 20% untuk pembelian pertama di toko fisik Shop at MACAN di museum,
• Potongan harga 10% untuk setiap pembelian di toko fisik Shop at MACAN. Diskon berlaku untuk produk berharga normal
• Dapatkan nawala daring (newsletter) bulanan Museum MACAN yang berisi informasi seputar pameran, tiket terdahulu, program, acara, dan penawaran spesial
• Keanggotaan berlaku selama 12 bulan.


• Free museum access for one year
• Invitations to exhibition previews and MACAN Society exclusive events such as Out & About
• Member-only exhibition guided tours
• Priority line for members
• Advanced ticket allocation
• 10% discount on entry ticket for one friend per member
• 10% discount admission for workshops or selected program
• 10% discount at Common Grounds, Museum MACAN
• 20% discount for the first time purchase at Shop at MACAN's physical store at the museum
• 10% discount for every purchase at Shop at MACAN's physical store. Discount valid for normal price items only
• Receive Museum MACAN’s monthly newsletter of exhibitions, advanced tickets, programs, events, and special offers
• Membership is valid for 12 months


Member Information

Father's Name
Mother's Name
ID Type
ID Number
Birth Date
First Child Name
First Child Birth Date
Second Child Name
Second Child Birth Date
Email Address
Confirm Address

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September First Sight Performances